Data & Functions
Access query and URL parameters

Access query and URL parameters


You need to access query or URL parameters on a Page or as part of a page Function.


Dynaboard natively supports parsing query parameters as well as the Express style (opens in a new tab) routing format for defining and accessing URL parameters.

For the following examples we’ll be using the URL: /users/1234?view=condensed

Accessing query parameters

  1. Use $currentPage.query.view to access the query parameter from inside of a page function or add interpolation double-curlies {{ $currentPage.query.view }} to access the value when inside of a property field.

Accessing URL parameters

  1. Define a Route on the desired page. In this example we’ll use /users/:id. Route Override
  2. Use $ to access the id URL parameter from inside of a page function add interpolation double-curlies {{ $ }} to access the value when inside of a property field.


  • The URL of a page and the name of a page do not have to match. In the examples above, the name of the page could have been userDetail with a route of /users/:id.
  • It’s possible to access the page’s URL and query string parameters by referencing the page name directly e.g. rather than using $ However, it’s not recommended for two reasons: 1) only the $currentPage can have properly defined parameters and 2) the page variable name will change when the name of the page changes, leading to brittle application code.

Known Limitations

  • Dynaboard uses a much newer version of the path-to-regexp library than the current 4.X.X version of Express, so not all route examples from the Express documentation work in Dynaboard 1-to-1. For more information on compatibility please refer to the path-to-regexp documentation (opens in a new tab).

See also